Enhancements are available for the following equipment-types :

Accessories Eidolons
Kamihime Weapons

Although I used to have some rather detailed explanations written on this page about Weapon Skill-Ups, and using same-types of Weapons for higher-experience Weapon-Enhancements, and same-element Eidolons for Eidolon-Enhancements, the Enhancement-Process later on became much more simplified by the use/collection of Exp-Spheres.

Accessories are now the only type of Equipment-Unit that still gain the majority of its Enhancements from other accessories (mainly due to the lack of Experience-Spheres available for Accessories to max them all out). Accessories will need their own page to be covered in detail.

Personally, I try to fill my Weapon-Grid with as many L150 Final Break-Limit Weapons as possible of any particular Target-Element, provided that they are Dual L30 Skill-Level Weapons, such as what can be seen in the below screen-shot...

(Note : Clicking on the above image will open the screen-shot in its original size in another tab/window for clearer viewing)

Weapon-Grids, how-ever, will have different effects, depending on the Weapon-Type in question. Similarly to the Accessories Page, certain Weapon-Types will also have their own Set-Effects, particularly in regards to Phantom-Weapons, and those sets/effects are as follows...

Phantom-Weapon Set Effects (Requires 6+ of Said Weapon-Type in Weapon-Grid)
Note : They do not all need to be Phantom-Weapons for the Phantom-Weapon's Effect to Activate (Probably !)
Type Effect
Sword (Phantom-Sword Calamity-Blade) All Characters' Combo-Attack-Rate↑ (+++)
Glaive (Phantom-Blade Calamity-Ripper) All Characters' ATK↑ & Triple-Attack-Rate↑ (+++)
Lance (Phantom-Lance Calamity-Salissa) All Characters' HP↑ & ATK↑ (+++)
Axe (Phantom-Avian Calamity-Ax) All Characters' Abilities & Burst Powered↑ (+++)
Staff (Phantom-Calamity Staff) All Characters' HP↑ & Healing↑ (+++)
Hammer (Phantom-Blight Calamity-Mallet) All Characters' ATK↑ (++++)
Gun (Phantom-Calamity Cannon) All Characters' HP↑ (++++)
Bow (Phantom-Calamity Quarrel) All Characters' ATK↑ & Critical-Rate↑ (+++)
Arcane (Phantom-Calamity Chalice) All Characters' HP↑ & ATK↑ Commensurate to High HP (+++)

Note : Phantom-Weapons may be obtained from Ragnarok-Level Raids on occassion.

This page last updated/modified: 025TL01m02d (025TL = 2021CE)