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Colour-Coding Legend
[ Pink Button = Needs to be Updated | Light-Green Button = Complete & Up-to-Date (Probably !) | Red Button = Page Needs to be Created (Not Yet Existing) ]

NOTICE : Union-Recruitment-Efforts will now resume as of the beginning of June 025TL (i.e.: June 2021CE).
I have decided to make answering the questions below required prior to approval of applications; the purpose of this is to keep the «revolving door» of join/kick (for inactivity) join/kick (for inactivity) to a minimum.
Please be prepared to answer the following questions when submitting your application and thank you for your participation...

  • Art thou familiar with this Union's Enlist-Protocol(s) ?
  • How much time can you devote to progressing in KP-R ?
  • What are thy communication-preferences ? (e.g.: Discord, look up schedule if any on web-site, etc)

Due to some re-evaluation, I had to re-consider this recruitment-protocol-measure, and, had to make the decision that it would be best that I «play it by ear» for now, and, approve of enlistments for who-ever looks like they might be active enough to remaing active on KP-R (the ones who seem to either be bots which take up unnecessary space or are likely to have quit playing even after the first few levels will of course be declined). I am aware that not everybody who plays necessarily speaks English, and, historically, when this Union was first formed, the original formerly active members were from various countries world-wide.

Additionally, because a lot more people in the world have become restricted to staying in their homes due to a «certain global-narrative» with not much other alternative than for indoor-activities, I am also forced to further-conclude that not everyone necessarily knows how to communicate in English other than being able to navigate through basic game-functions. I do intend to have translations of all of these pages into several other languages in the future, but, I still need to first improve my coding-skills with JavaScript so that I can create such pages in a much more easy-to-read-and-navigate and efficient lay-out/format.

Please note, that, I am still in the process of trying to learn/master JavaScript, for purposes of making this web-site look better, including a multi-language function (for displaying these pages in languages other than just English), and, perhaps even add future-functions, such as «scheduling» (replete with count-down timers and alarms to alert everyone when to co-ordinate for raid-efforts if I can learn to pull that off) for when we all agree to come on-line to do raid-spamming together, thus, I most-certainly will not be able to get everything updated over-night, but, I will do what I can. Next intended focus is for comprehensive-details on Weapon-Grids.

Menu-Options Brief Description
A Chart of «Set-Effects» From Accessories
A list of functional-browsers that actually work to load/play Kamihime PROJECT-R. This list seems to have changed depending on what kind(s) of update(s) the developers made to KP-R. The Nutaku-Client no longer works to run Kamihime-Project R at present.
Designated Burst-Time for Union and reasoning/logic behind time-frames. Currently...
06h00-07h00PST : Sufficient time to have first completed Daily Accessories-Quests
18h00-19h00PST : Plenty of time to collect consumables for Dawn-Break/Crucible-Event
This was a channel, which I created, that had some activity, for a while, but, for various reasons, I stopped advertising it for a time, and, was not communicating much with anybody for an extended period of time anyway. We'll see if we can make more use of it now.
Information about Union-Donations. This is currerntly a relic of the past...
Brief information about enhancing equipment and a Grid-Display of Phantom-Weapons and their Set-Effects. I might need to expand upon this section with further and more-detailed information about Weapon-Grids though... once I comprehend it more thoroughly.
Team-Formation Basics (may be outdated by now). I should probably update this section to reflect more modern-day usage of Teams/Eidolons/etc.
Expectations about Union-activeness.
I intend to explain certain Events in detail here eventually...
The roles of Leader, Sub-Leader, Officer, members, etc., described here...
I intend to assign a schedule for Union-activities here eventually...
So, after re-reading this section, it became obvious to me that I need to update and re-write this whole entire section, due to how the Rewards-Exchange system seems to have changed since the time this section was first written...
Yet another section which seems to need a complete over-haul and re-writing to reflect more modern-day information about the Raids-System...
Another «pink» button...? Damn, I need to finish the projects I started, but, the good thing is that I now forbid myself from starting anything new; this measure should help me get things done rather than end up like a description of ADHD...
Self-Explanatory ? A history of what was updated...
This section will probably not be needed once I create the necessary other relevant pages where I had planned to include the related videos anyway.

External-Links : World-Clock (JP) | Hand-Written (HTML5) Kanji Look-Up

This page was last updated/modified on or around : 025TL06m11d (025TL = 2021CE)